About Me

About Me and Baby Sleep Training

Baby Sleep Training is a journey of sleepless and stressful nights that I overcame. I don’t pass judgement on your parenting philosophy, and instead incorporate who you are and your child’s current situation and needs to create your family a unique sleep training service. Likewise, I look forward to working with you soon!

Rested Baby Mom Kenya Sleep Training

About Harriet

Baby sleep training is my passion, my name is Harriet Ayoo, and a mother of 3 wonderful boys and the founder, owner and consultant at Rested Baby Mom. When my oldest son was a baby, I had a lot of difficulty getting him to soundly sleep through the night. We would wake up every one to two hours every night and every day throughout the night. Getting him to sleep through the night was a struggle to say the list.

I started learning about Baby Sleep Training and thorough research on scientific reports and expert literature, I became an expert in baby development needs, sleeping methods, scheduling routines and more. I was able to overcome my son’s sleeping problems using techniques that matched my parenting style.

When I achieved this, I knew it was my duty to help other parents facing baby sleeping problems to get their children to soundly sleep again. That’s why I started this sleep training programs.