Sleep Training

Proven Methods for Training Your Baby to Sleep

Sleep Training Your Baby Will Help You Say, Bye to Sleepless Nights!

Sleep training isn't a luxury. It’s an Essential

Sleep training will help you bring back the essential sleep your baby needs for growth and development as well as for the immune system, cognitive function, mood, behavior, and better sleep for parents. Let’s help you sleep train your baby and make sleep happen for you and your family.

How Sleep Training Works



STEP 1: You need to set healthy and right sleep training foundations for improved all-time sleep conducts.



 STEP 2: The child learns to fall asleep without needing a pacifier, their parent or a bottle and this is possible through sleep training.


Healthier Sleep

STEP 3: Your sleep trained baby will develop healthy sleeping habits that will enable your family to soundly sleep again.

Take advantage of my Sleep Training Techniques

Hi, I am Harriet, a mama of three and a Baby Sleep Trainer. I have been right where you are, and I understand how you feel. I would like to help you and your family to achieve better sleep through my sleep training programs so that you and your baby can succeed in your daily healthy living patterns. Let’s achieve this together.

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What is sleep training and Why You Need It?

Sleep training helps your child to establish independent sleeping patterns as a result of applying sleep training techniques. My programs give you step-by-step instructions and essential tools you need to get your child sleeping through the night on their own so that you can get your nights back.

Whether you are trying to eliminate a sleep association (like a pacifier), drop the last nap, instill healthy habits in your newborn, or get help to figure out what the sleep issue is, my sleep training programs will help.

My Sleep Training Program Solve These Sleep Problems

  • Sleep Regressions
  • Transition to Bed or Crib
  • Regular Early Waking and Night Waking
  • Balancing sleep, milk and solid foods
  • Night Weaning
  • Gentle Sleep Coaching and Sleep Training
  • Brief naps
  • Schedules, Nap Transitions and Daycare
Sleep Traiming Sleep Problems
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Baby Sleep Patterns and More On Sleep Training

  • How to help your baby or toddler to nap
  • Stopping baby from waking up early in the morning and easing them out of separation anxiety.
  • Ending bed sharing or co-sleeping and how to transition baby to own bed.
  • Baby sleep basics and infant sleep patterns
  • Finding no-cry sleep solutions and how to avoid cry-it-out
  • Getting predictable sleep schedules for your baby
  • How to ensure your baby doesn’t struggle to sleep

Average Child Sleeping Patterns By Age

Realistic child sleep expectations recommended by American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)


What My Clients Say

My Sleep Training Programs Have Worked For Many Families and You too Can Sleep Train Your Child


Highly Recommend

"Harriet's baby sleep training services are a lifesaver! Before working with her, my baby would only sleep for short periods of time and was constantly fussy. But after following Harriet's expert advice, my baby now sleeps through the night and is much happier during the day. I highly recommend her services to any new parent struggling with sleep deprivation!"

Karen Titus

May 21, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

We Answer Some Of Those Sleep Training Questions. Feel Free To Contact Us If you Have More Questions

How much sleep does a baby need?

A newborn baby should sleep for between 14-17 hours while an infant should sleep for about 12-15 hours.


How can I get my baby to fall asleep?

You can get your baby to sleep by creating consistent bedtime routine. Reduce the screen time you allow your child to have. You can swaddle your baby and or play white noise music to calm the baby. You can also use a pacifier to help the baby sleep.


What sleeping position is best for a baby?

Laying the baby to sleep on their back is the safest position, as it reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).


What are the common sleep problems babies face and how can I solve them?

The common sleep problems babies experience include sleep regression, night waking and difficulty falling asleep. These can be solved by creating a consistent bedtime routine, applying a sleep training technique, and also taking care of any medical problems your child may be having.


How do I know if my baby is ready to sleep through the night?

From the age of 3–6 months, most babies are able to sleep through the night. Signs to look out for including increased daytime napping and sleeping longer at night.